IndieCork Film Festival and Cork Institute of Technology (CIT Arts Office, CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, and CIT Cork School of Music) are excited to announce the second edition of art(ist)FILM – a new partnership between Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and IndieCork Film Festival to present moving image works by student and graduate artists as part of the IndieCork Film Festival in October.

IndieCork Film Festival has become synonymous with the presentation of experimental and interdisciplinary film, music, and visual art. It shares CIT’s strong local and national focus, and emphasis on the development of the individual voice within a community of practice.

art(ist)FILM will offer a platform for screenings and discussion in a variety of contexts and venues. Films are selected through an open application process. By bringing together students, graduates, experienced professionals, and supportive audiences, art(ist)FILM aims to highlight and foster the artistic and professional development of a new generation working with the moving image.

Entry is open to those who are enrolled in or have graduated from a third level college on the island of Ireland in the last 5 years.

To enter your film: